Different Fields Where Proctoring Is Used

During these couple of years where the covid-19 has dictated the whole world and were forced to go virtual. Along with the other software and tools, the need for remote proctoring has also skyrocketed. The education sector’s schedule became highly disrupted and students are still facing difficulty in adapting. The travel restrictions have made it difficult for the students to take their exams in person. Educational institutions had no other choice but to conduct virtual classes and proctored online exams.

Proctoring - Ensuring that the right person is taking up the task which has been virtually assigned without any misconduct.
Proctoring is often known and referred to as a part of the education system, but do you know that proctoring can be used in many other domains as AI is being introduced and implemented in every other field.

Let's see a few of the fields, where proctoring can be used.

  • Recruitment

Every organization recruits their candidates based on a few skill sets and assessments. Before the pandemic, the recruitment used to take place either by one on one session or by a group computer assessment, where a person monitors the assessment. This process is relatively easy but after the pandemic, the organizations had no other choice but to opt for online assessments to interview their candidates.

As the entire recruitment process takes place online, it is difficult to know whether the interviewee is genuinely attempting the assessment without cheating or not. This is where the proctoring is used to determine whether the candidate is taking the assessment with honesty or not. The proctoring solution provides a detailed statistical report of the candidate including minor variations. Based on this report, the organization can decide whether to recruit the candidate.

  • Training

An employee is always expected to be updated with new skills. The organizations encourage their employees to upgrade their skills by giving training in the new courses. After the employees complete their course schedule, they are expected to take up internal assessments for further career growth. For these internal assessments, organizations are opting for proctoring solutions. Proctoring solutions reduce the need for human involvement in such assessments.

  • E-sports

E-sports are virtual gaming platforms, where people watch the players play the game virtually instead of watching physically. Players compete against each other online, in a multiplayer online platform. In e-sports money also plays a major role between the competitors.

Where money is involved it is more likely to be expected that the win should be a fair one between the teams. To ensure that the same person is playing the game without any misconduct, a proctoring solution is used. With the help of a proctoring system, the players are verified and their behaviors are monitored constantly throughout the game to ensure the game’s integrity.

  • Genuine Reviews

Proctoring software can be used to get to know a person’s review of a product by identifying their facial expressions. For instance, a new website has been launched and you are expected to review the site through a video conference, the proctoring solution using AI verifies you and constantly monitors your behavior and facial expressions while you are reviewing the site and generates a statistical report. Based on the report, the reviewer can tell whether your opinions are genuine or not. These review identifying can be done on reviews of any commercials, movies, electronic gadgets, clothes etc.,

These are a few fields where a proctoring solution is used. The proctoring AI uses machine learning algorithms to detect the differences in the routine pattern. These algorithms are trained accordingly based on which field the proctoring solution is being used.

In the coming years, as AI advances into different fields the usage of proctoring software also increases.