Tips And Tricks To Tame Your Anxiety
Keeping Motivated While Studying Remotely And Overcome The Exam Anxiety
There are many surveys done on exam anxiety, the results of a few of the surveys stated that due to anxiety many of the students had performed well in their exams and a few other survey results stated that students did not perform well because of their anxiousness. Different people feel different about their anxiety, few feel like their heartbeat is rising and a few of them feel nauseous and have a vomiting sensation. Let’s see a few common tips and tricks that are helpful in taming your anxiety:
1. A good night’s sleep
At Least 6 hours of sleep is very crucial before every exam. A well-rested mind can be always helpful for us to be more focused and relaxed towards the exam.
2. A proper meal
Avoid eating junk food. Studies show that having a proper meal at least 1 week before the exams perform better than those who take improper meals.
3. Self-rewarding
Set your milestones while preparing for exams, when you reach each milestone reward yourself with your favorite food, by going out to your favorite place or watching your favorite series.
4. Self-motivating
Motivate yourself by thinking about your favorite person or your happiest memorable moment. This trick helps your brain to immediately relax and helps you to stay positive.
5. Mingle with people
Meeting your friends and family might always help you to calm your nerves and make you feel at ease. If you're feeling more anxious and stressed, don’t shy away, talk with your beloved ones about it.
6. Take a break
Don’t overstress yourself, take time to time breaks. Listen to the music, clean up your space, do some gardening or whatever makes you relax. Taking breaks in regular intervals helps you to stay more focused and remember things better.
7. Follow a routine
Stick to a routine, try to wake up, eat, and sleep at the same time daily. This helps you to train your body both physically and mentally to stay positive and get less anxious.
8. Manage your expectations
Do not stress over your results and try taking the results in a positive way. It is completely okay even if you did not get the expected results from your test. Don’t be too hard on yourself, set yourself loose and focus on the future.
9. Exercise
Do not always stay at home, get yourself out on walks or for a run to feel the fresh air. This definitely calms your mood and you can stay more concentrated. Focus on your breathing, set an alarm and try doing meditation.
Are you interested in knowing more about how to tame your anxiety during your exam season?
Here’s the link to the LinkedIn live event video on
By Pinky Goswami [Chief Psychologist, 1 Wellness Clinic]
Hosted by Manu Gupta [Founder of MonitorExam].